AOP part 37: Different Room

I mentioned earlier that three of the rooms at the location were all brick wall spaces. There is a fourth room which has wood panels at each end and unpainted plaster on the remaining walls.
This wooden end has a really nice two tone look. The lower half has no paint and is faded to a very pale blue grey. The upper half once was painted yellow, but a lot of it has fallen away over time. This has left a wonderful, naturally distressed backdrop.
Notice how I've placed Maja in front of the least distracting part of the peeling paint.
We thought we would do some fashion nude shots against this wall. "Fashion Nude" is a relatively new term. Essentially it utilises the forms, poses, colour models and so on from contemporary fashion work as opposed to the more classical "fine art nude" style.
Fashion nude really refers to the overall style, it may or may not include different levels of actually nudity or indeed fashion.
This is an excerpt from "Anatomy of a Photoshoot" which gives a complete breakdown of two days shooting with a full in-depth step by step review of everything that I do.
It is available on Amazon
or on
the store