AOP part 39: Frame Within a Frame and Posing Assist

I've talked before about door frames and their use. This is a classic example of how it works both as a frame within a frame and a posing assist.
I could have placed Maja further back into the room behind and still kept her within the frame.
I could also bring her forward to a certain extent as long she doesn't intrude over the edges of the frame - which has the same deleterious effect as a bad crop.
Giving the sitter something to lean on also lets them create more relaxed poses as in this case, or stronger poses by pushing against the frame.
With new sitters that is often a starting place for me. Rather than make them stand, self-consciously, in the middle of an empty space, I will start the shoot with them leaning against the wall. This way they have a literal and psychological support.
Also, it's a really way to introduce the classic S shape pose used for female subjects.
This is an excerpt from "Anatomy of a Photoshoot" which gives a complete breakdown of two days shooting with a full in-depth step by step review of everything that I do.
It is available on Amazon
or on
the store