How to select simple but effective props - free book excerpt
Remember the black infinity scarf? Well this is its red version. I've added red tights from my collection of props to make a real splash of colour.
In this image there has also been some heavy duty post-processing as well to really exaggerate the whole colour set.
We are often told that red is the strongest colour in photos and really comes forward in an image.
However, this is not really true. If you do the tests then you find there are actually two different factors in play.
Firstly, bright objects advance in the frame, darker objects recede.
Secondly, saturated objects advance in the frame, less saturated items recede.
So the "red" effect is actually when you have a bright, saturated red object it advances in the frame.
And of course you need just a single object like that in the picture, otherwise all the objects are pushing forward.
Bright red is not a natural colour and so stands out in most situations.
This is an excerpt from "Anatomy of a Photoshoot" which gives a complete breakdown of two days shooting with a full in-depth step by step review of everything that I do.
It is available on Amazon
or on
the store