Boudoir High Key Part 2
With boudoir shoots often you are trying to balance the need to show skin, but not too much skin. I have also found that when asking our female sitters what their men prefer backs and bums feature heavily.
But in order to show a nice back without any bra straps you need the right kind of clothes (of which they aren't many) or you need something else - like a bedroom sheet.
It's a perfect prop. It fits the setting and story perfectly anyway. The sitter can use the sheet to reveal or hide as much as they wish. It's flexible, easy and looks great.
In the first shot it's all about covering the front. I will often take a shot of a turned back, with or without the girl looking over her shoulder. Then I can turn her more sideways for this shot - where they can look quite provocative.
Then they lie on the bed and we can use the sheet to keep them covered. I find that many clients are happy to show their bum, but nothing else.
What they will naturally do is put a great big wedge of sheet in front of the bust, you need to thin this out so it looks natural and just an accidental fold.
If your client has a good bum you can go for the standing shot. Make sure you have positioned your sitter correctly in the window frame light. You might need to change exposure to avoid burning out skin tones.
key points
A simple white sheet is a perfect boudoir prop.
You can learn how to develop your own lighting, posing and directing skills with our extensive and intensive range of video programs available on DVD or download.
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