Critique for Richard
As a follow up to our workshops attendees can submit images for review, these are Richard's following our RPS Art Nude workshop

Too wide, too close, too high on the camera height.
Crop this just above the hip and it would be much stronger.
Better, because the pose and drape not follow a more coherent shape. The rim lighting works well across the body and on the face.
You obviously been touching up the floor but it's not gone well - it's very visible.
Smashing high key shot.
The camera is a little high, but that works OK with the skirt.
It is a little soft and over exposed on the face.
I'd like to see a little more definition in the skirt
Nice thoughtful, lighting and pose work well.
There are two little fingers sticking out on the waist.
Worse though are the eyes, which are neither closed nor open.
If you have a better version of the face, you could try cool toning this.
Too wide, too close, too high
Interesting pose, the circular shape is a good composition.
Again the touch up on the black has gone wrong.
-- You might want to look at calibrating your monitor because it should be really visible to you. It makes me wonder if you dark greys are all showing black on your monitor.
Nice all round pose, shape and composition.
I wonder if you have had to pull this out from an under-exposed image - it does seem quite noisy
The big problem is the flat bum!
I like this shot.
There is also another shot cropped just above or below the bust which would bring better attention to the lovely muscle and bone around the neck.
Lovely, mid key, terrific shape, hands around the face work very well.
Give it just a very slight vignette to hold it in at the edges,
Cool. It really needs the body turning into the net a bit more. You've got a single point on the bust and an elbow but nothing elsewhere. Remember it should always look deliberate so push the body into the net or keep it out all together.
On this and the previous image the right hand edge needs sorting out.
Love the pose and the capture in the window, very nice exposure.
The fingers are sadly cut off in the net though.
Good set of images overall, all of them are "close", look back over your images more closely to become more aware of the small glitches so you can avoid them on future shoots.
I run regular workshops for beginners and experts alike. I like to run a mix of styles and types. Masterclasses, portfolio builds, technical and artistic sessions available.
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