leila takes stills recent photo Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Leila Photo Shoot

Stills from my recent shoot with Leila. Really enjoyed this shoot and Leila has a face that takes on so many different looks so easily.

motion whirlwind shots shoots setups Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Experimental Shoots: Motion Blur with Raphaella

Raphaella is very well known as a dance model, her moves are amazing. She is also a complete whirlwind - I'm a fast shooter and I struggled to keep up with her.

JammyLou model, nude shooting nymph lou lens Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

JammyLou Nude Photoshoot

When I shot with Lou we were shooting a mix of fashion and nude work. This section concentrates on the nude images.

Niki-Marie model, warning stronger smutty sexy sexually Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

PhotoShoot: Niki-Marie - Melons!!

Warning: The images from this photo shoot are much stronger sexually than my usual material. I shall be posting images from this shoot over several different posts.

structure someone shoots setups julie Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Experimental Shoots: Body Parts and Aliens

Working with Julie Waterhouse a brilliant dancer and someone has a very strong awareness of her body we were able to explore the nature and structure of a body.

lensbaby setups post focus experimental Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Experimental Photoshoots: LensBaby and Niki-Marie

I don't quite know how to explain a LensBaby, you probably just want to noodle over to their website.

leah studio shots setup hollywood Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Leah Axel Photo Shoot: Hollywood, American Beauty and Cinderalla

I always have fun working with Leah 'cos she's so bubbly and full of vitality. As soon as I saw this dress I thought of Hollywood and setup this "film studio" kind of setup.

post paint shoots setups results Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Experimental Shoots: Graffiti Body Paint Part II

I talked and showed in an earlier post results from a body painting day with Lou Holmes model and Sam Day body painter and MUA.

tripod lou sky shots event Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Trashing the Dress - A "Dry" run

I had a trash the dress shoot coming up for a client - she wanted to be Ophelia, so I thought I really ought to have a practice session to make sure I knew what was going to work well and what I needed to take on board.

focus bokeh shoots setups playing Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

How to pronounce "Bokeh" and what to do with it

What is bokeh? Firstly, it rhymes with Okay. Secondly it refers to the quality of the out of focus bits of a photo.