Experimental Shoots: Motion Blur with Raphaella
Raphaella is very well known as a dance model, her moves are amazing. She is also a complete whirlwind - I'm a fast shooter and I struggled to keep up with her.
I wanted to capture that essence of whirlwind and also take some dance shots that weren't pin-sharp but instead used the motion as part of the image.
These shots are a mix of studio flash, modelling lamps, additional lights - in all sorts of combinations. Shutter speeds were tweaked on the fly to ensure exposure and motion in different ways.
For me I really like (a) the genuine sense of motion, without their necessarily being a visible, fixed image and (b) those images which almost capture Raphaela in two places at once.
About the Experimental Shoots Blog Posts
In this series I am focussing on different kinds of setups I've tried. Some are more successful than others. The idea is tweak your creative juices. I'm going to give a few tips as we go, but not full details - I want your experiments to be your own - you will have different ideas, equipment, setups and so on.
I am always interested in the results, and if you want to post them to me I would be very happy to put them on the blog.
You can learn how to develop your own lighting, posing and directing skills with our extensive and intensive range of video programs available on DVD or download.
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