AOP part 59: Full on Alien
This make-up style was really striking me as something from a sci-fi movie, so of course the next step was to go full alien!
I really like the style of cross processing images. The old school method was to process print negatives in slide chemicals, or vice-versa, process slides using negative film chemistry.
What this darkroom technique would do is introduce colour shifts in the final images in a semi-predictable fashion.
It's not a technique used often, because to be honest, it often doesn't really work. The colour shifts are not useful, though they do have a retro-feel to them.
Anyway, over the years I've accumulated a couple of dozen Photoshop scripts that achieve various versions of the treatment, with a varying degree of realism to the darkroom chemistry ancestors.
After trying a few I found the one that liked, which plays around with blue and green tones in image and preserves the reds.
So we get this great, green skinned, alien female with those voluptuous red lips.
This is an excerpt from "Anatomy of a Photoshoot" which gives a complete breakdown of two days shooting with a full in-depth step by step review of everything that I do.
It is available on Amazon
or on
the store