Peter Critique
Peter recently attended our Weekend Extravaganza, Portraits, Nudes and Fashion tutored by myself and Graham Whister from the RPS Digital Imaging Group. This is his critique.

We've got an exposure / inverse square law problem here. The light on Nikki Pixie's head is too bright, but correct on her feet, needs to have been slightly smaller aperture on the shot.
Looks a little wide angle as well, which has made the hips look quite large, use a longer focal length to correct this.
Finally, the shadows on the face are unfortunate, giving Nikki the "racoon" eyes look.
Nice pose and dynamic look and good position in the frame,

Same comment about the light on the face and eyes. I like the combination of angles here. I suspect this would be a strong image in monochrome and with a little more contrast.
Good portrait, good crop for the expression and pose. It's not your fault at all, but I suspect a low-key lighting set would have worked better for this.
Spot on.
Not sure about the hands, they are maybe pushed into the face too much, anything that touches the face should have the lightest of touches. Natasha would benefit from a little skin smoothing and blemish correction - she has a very good skin and the tiny defects seem worse because of that.
Gorgeous eyes.

Nice thoughtful pose. I would like to see this slightly darker and maybe given a slightly cool tone as well to reflect in tonality and colour the emotion of the pose. Use the Variations tool to experiment with this.

Smashing, strong, dynamic, powerful, girl in charge. Excellent portrait and excellent fashion shot in one.

This is over exposed I think it needs to be darker and more contrasty. Other than that - very good.

Again looks over exposed. But like the pose, the lighting angle works well, the camera position and height are great for this shot.

Again over exposed, but love the rest of it. good pose and it's been placed in the frame at exacty the right point. Sadly the folding of the denim jeans under the belt looks very unfortunate...
Good set, you've got some strong images here, slightly more attention to exposure would help (or some post processing correction from Raw files). I'd like to see you experiment mor with monochrome and contrast tools too.
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