Why you should experiment in photoshop all the time
Strictly speaking, this isn't Photoshop as I use Corel's Photo Pro. But this is about post-processing.
The first shot of Harriett Langley has had some different coloured water splashes added to the image. I thought this would be easy, but actually making the splashes look like the flowing from and around and over the body is much harder than I thought. For the colouring of the splashes I have used colours already in the image to give it some coherence.
This is just a bit of fun creating a mirrored image. Actually I started with this because I wanted a symmetrical background, but I liked the end result of Harriett being mirrored too. What's interesting if you do this mirroring on more abstract stuff is how often you will see faces in the resulting images.
These slices of Niki Marie were setup to try and create a weird seamless merge of the face, of course that didn't work but I like the way there is a sort of strange mix of Picasso and Cyclops about the end result.
I have also experimented with these images in PhotoFly - a rather clever bit of software that creates 3D models from a collection of images like this. When I've got some results to show i shall be sure to put them up because the process is very interesting.
About the Experimental Shoots Blog Posts
In this series I am focussing on different kinds of setups I've tried. Some are more successful than others. The idea is tweak your creative juices. I'm going to give a few tips as we go, but not full details - I want your experiments to be your own - you will have different ideas, equipment, setups and so on.
I am always interested in the results, and if you want to post them to me I would be very happy to put them on the blog.
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