Favourite Photoshop Plugins: Filters Unlimited from icnet
Part of an occasional series on Plugins that I use while in photoshopping (or strictly Corelling) images. A plugin is third party software which integrates with your photo editor to add functionality. There are many completely free plugins as well as paid for software at a range of prices. Thanks to Dani who appears as the untreated "before" image.
Filters Unlimited from icnet at http://www.icnet.de
This is a little different from your usual plugin, because its a sort of filter manager as well as a filter in its own right. I don't know the technical details, but somewhere along the history of photoshop it became possible to program your own filters using free software, and many did.
Filters Unlimited lets you manage and apply those free filters. Although it ships with 350 of its own there are literally 1,000's of other filters available for free download.
So what do the filters do?
Some are very gentle and subtle treatments, some are bizarre pattern generators, paper and texture generators, colour processors, masks, frames, bevels. aging, warping all sorts of stuff. In this before and after I have applied a vignette.

On of my all time favourites and a filter I use more than any other is the vignette. Not only darkening the corners but also softening them in a very pleasing graduated style. This is one of the more subtle filters.
For something stranger, try this:

This is the Four Corners filter - at least there's something vaguely photographic left. Many of the filters completely destroy your image.
I don't want to suggest that it's all whacky, there are some terrifically strange and creative filters here, but also some real gentle joys as well. Lots of useful toys and tools.
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