Shooting wet draped cloth

Wet cloth against wet skin creates a wonderful sensual image - truly sensual in that all the senses can be imagined. There is the sense of light of course,
but the texture in the cloth creates a sense of touch, the water creates a sense of coolness and also taste.

Lighting Diagram
Obviously the main concern is safety - mains-powered strobes and water do not mix. The strobes were positioned far enough away that if they fell they could not reach the water. They were also weighted down. They are also of course on full RCD trips.
The principal light is the honeycombed strobe on the left, the softbox on the right provides a little fill at a very low level.

Poses can either pull the cloth tight across the figure, or allow portions of it to come loose. In general you will find that a rumpled material looks better than a smooth one.

I love the contrasts of the figures curves against the wrinkles and folds in the material
Model: Laura Summer
You can learn how to develop your own lighting, posing and directing skills with our extensive and intensive range of video programs available on DVD or download.
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