Uniform Glamour

viewer uniform props gun glamour Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Glamour and costumes have been together forever, there is something about the costumed girl, whether its French Maid, School Ma'am, Policewoman or soldier.

viewer uniform props gun glamour Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Lighting Diagram

A hard light from right, with a little bit of a spot to the head from the snooted strobe on the left.

viewer uniform props gun glamour Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

And if you are going to use the uniform, then use the props too. Of course Frued would tell you that everything is sexual - in fact I think "gun" was his first synonym for penis.

So, no need to be coy about it, of course these props are stand-ins!

viewer uniform props gun glamour Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

The gun is the viewer, so make the viewer feel wanted!

Model: Laura Summer

viewer uniform props gun glamour Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

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